Purchasing DIDs

To begin ordering DIDs, log in to the VI Back Office and then go to DIDs > Purchase DIDs.

Step 1. Search by Location
Choose the type of DID that you would like to purchase. For this example, we will choose Local DIDs.

Fill out the desired fields and choose your quantity, then click Next to proceed to the next step (Select DID Features), or click View DID Results to jump straight to viewing all available DIDs.

Step 2. Select DID Features
Choose your desired DID features (T38, SMS, CNAM Out) or leave blank to view all DIDs. Click Next to proceed.

Step 3. View DID Results
Select the DIDs that you wish to purchase. You may buy them now, or add them to your Personal Inventory.

Choosing the Buy DIDs Now option will add the selected DIDs to your account immediately. They will become live only after they have been successfully configured (this can be done after you complete your DID purchases).
Choosing to add DIDs to your Personal Inventory will place them in a holding area where they will be inactive. Any DIDs in Personal Inventory will not be live until they are placed into the Active DIDs area. Storing DIDs in your Personal Inventory can be useful if you need to save unused DIDs for future use. Please click here for our Wiki article on Personal Inventory.
Step 4. Back Order DIDs
This step will allow you to place a back order for DIDs in RateCenters that had no availability. These will be filled by our Provisioning team as soon as possible. VoIP Innovations orders DIDs by Rate Center only, so we are unable to guarantee NPA-NXX combinations.

 Step 5. Purchases
This will be the last step, which will display all your new DID purchases, Inventoried DIDs, and Back Ordered DIDs.

That's it! After purchasing your DIDs, they will need to be configured before they are live. You may leave them as unconfigured and save them for later, or you can configure them now. Click here for our Wiki article on Unconfigured DIDs.