Snapback Information

Snapback Information

A Snapback is an action that can be taken within 24 hours of a number porting that returns it back to the previous carrier that had ownership of the number.

This action is caused when a number ports out without authorization and can be initiated by the former carrier. Many times, this happens due to human error wherein a typo occurs when completing the porting forms; for example, transposing a digit. The gaining carrier can also issue a Snapback but in this instance, they cannot force the previous carrier to take the number back. When initiating a Snapback there is a fee (as of 1/14/13 the fee is $300).
It is also important to note that should a number not be returned within a timely manner the owner of the number could file a Slamming Complaint which could result in much higher fees. A Slamming complaint is an action taken with the FCC should a number be taken without the permission of the number owner. Pending an investigation by the FCC this could result in severe fines.

Whether you have slammed a number or a number has been slammed from your account with VoIP Innovations you will want to contact our porting team immediately as there is only a 24-hour window to act before the Snapback opportunity expires and a Win Back must be initiated. (A Win Back is an expedited port request. They are generally quicker than a normal port due to the severity of the issue but can take several days or more.) The length of time for a Snapback to complete is dependent on the carrier and can vary.

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