Guide to Purchasing a Toll-Free DID

Guide to Purchasing a Toll-Free DID

To purchase a toll-free DID:

  1. Navigate to DIDs > Purchase DIDs.

  2. Select the Toll-Free DIDs radio button

  3. Select the Desired NPA/NXX for your purchase.

  4. Enter the quantity of numbers you are looking to purchase, and click the 'Sequential' textbox if you're purchasing multiple numbers and would like them to be in a sequential order.

  5. Click Next > > if you would like to define the type of toll-free number you are searching for (US+CA, Promo, etc.) that you are looking for regarding your purchase. Click View DID Results if you are not looking for a specific type.

  6. Select the DIDs from the search results that you would like to purchase, and select one of either Buy DIDs Now or Add DIDs to Personal Inventory.

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