DIDs Tab

DIDs Tab

The information contained herein is an overview of the DID Tab in the Back Office.
Here is the main loadout that is visible when hovering over the DIDs tab. Note that My DIDs and Reports each have subsections.

On the dashboard, information about the DIDs can be seen in the widgets. Each widget contains different information. Select the widgets that is wanted on the dashboard by selecting from the drop-down box and the clicking the 'Add Widget' button (1). If widgets need to be reset back to the default, click the 'Reset to Default Widgets' button (2). If a widget is added by accident, click the 'X' in the top right-hand corner of any widget to cancel it off the page (3). If a widget needs to be viewed again, add it with the drop-down and 'Add Widget' button. There's an arrow next to the 'X' on each widget, this arrow will expand and collapse each widget to show information (4).

Purchase DIDs

On the first page of the purchase DIDs there are four different types of DIDs. The first being 'Local DIDs', this includes DIDs in the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico. The next type of DID is a Toll-Free DID. Toll-Free DIDs are often used for dialer traffic and businesses. The third option is the 'Vanity DIDs', search by using a phrase of letters and digits to search for numbers. International DIDs are anywhere outside of the USA, Canada and Puerto Rico, these can be purchased here as well.
To read more on purchasing DIDs, please visit our wiki article on purchasing DIDs. You can visit the article if you click here.

Manage DIDs

The DIDs management page is where DIDs can be updated and managed. The pen and paper edit button will direct the user to the DID Configuration Wizard for updates. For further information, click here as this will go to the DIDs management page wiki article.
Personal Inventory

The personal inventory page is where unused DIDs are stored for later use. For more information, click here to go to our wiki article on the personal inventory.

Unconfigured DIDs

Once a DID is purchased it will need to be configured. A notification will pop up in the righthand corner of the back office. To learn more about this page, click here to go to our wiki article on the unconfigured DIDs page.
Reserved DIDs

These are the DIDs that are reserved. To purchase these DIDs, click the cart on the top right of the page. Note that Reserved DIDs expire after a 30minute period. Once expired the DIDs are placed back into the available pool for purchase.
This page also gives the option to Remove Selected DIDs, and Download DID Listing for these DIDs.

Released DIDs

This provides a list of recently released DIDs (within the last 30 days). Any DID release from the account within the previous 30-day period can be reassigned to the account. This can be done by clicking the checkbox next to the DID and selecting the endpoint group to assign this DID to. Once the DIDs have been selected to add back to the account, click the "Order Selected DIDs" button. Note that after 30 days' numbers are released back in to our available pool and may or may not be purchased by other customers.
For further information on the recently released DIDs page click here.

Manage Off-Net Toll-Free

This tab is where customers add Toll-Free DIDs that are not with VoIP Innovations but can use our routing through our service. Our routing can be used as the primary route or a back up for these services. VoIP Innovations does not own these Toll-Free DIDs.
Pending Orders

This shows the pending Back Orders submitted through VoIP Innovations. It shows how many DIDs remain in the order if applicable.

Completed Orders

This page shows a list of all completed Back Orders that have submitted through VoIP Innovations.

CNAM and CNAM Parser

On this page, update DIDs to allow inbound CNAM or turn inbound CNAM off. CNAM Parser allows up to 1000 DIDs to be updated with CNAM. For more information on updating CNAM click here.

Caller ID

This provides the option to add Bulk CNAM to a list of DIDs. Up to 100 Name/DID combinations can be added at a time. The names are limited to 15 characters in length. Any names submitted with more than 15 characters will be truncated. Please note that the DID would need to exist in VI Database to add this.

  1. KORBAY,4125551212 C XAVIER,4125551313 DAVID ROSS,8881112222

For more information on updating CNAM click here.

Endpoint Group

The Bulk Endpoint Group Update provides the option to change multiple DIDs to a single endpoint group. Begin by selecting the endpoint group to move these DIDs to at the top of the page. Once an endpoint group is selected, click the check box next to the chosen DIDs to move. After the DIDs have been selected click the "Submit" button at the top of the page to re-point the DIDs to the newly selected group.
Failover Number

On this page failover numbers can be set up in mass. Up to 100 DID/Failover TN combinations are possible. DIDs must exist in the VI database at the time they are being updated. Also, the failover TNs must be 10 or 11 digits (if prefixed by 1).

Forward Number

On this page forward numbers can be set up in mass. Up to 100 DID/Forward TN or DID/Endpoint Group ID combinations are possible. DIDs must exist in the VI database at the time you are updating them. Also, the forward TNs must be 10 or 11 digits (if prefixed by 1). Forwards can also be removed in this page.
Inventory Transfer

This page works like the bulk forward number update and bulk failover number update works. Enter a DID (one per line in the text box) and then select a radio button to move it to either unconfigured or the personal inventory.

Email to Fax

This tool will allow is to add multiple entries at once to email to fax. This makes it simpler to add email to fax in bulk.

DID History

The DID history page displays the DID history for the past 30 days. This page will show actions such as assignDID, configDID, releaseDID, reserveDID, updateSMS, 411Insert, 411Update, provision911, and remove 911.

DID Usage Report

The DID usage report page gives access to origination and termination statistics per DID for a given date range. If a DID doesn't have usage it will not be displayed. If records for billing are needed, we advise to use CDRs.

Out-Of-Port Failures

The out of port failures page will show information for customers that either have channel limitations set on endpoint groups and they have gone over that limitation. This page also shows information for per port customers.

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