Tickets Tab

Tickets Tab

 The information contained herein is an overview of the Tickets Tab in the Back Office.
Below are the available options from the Tickets Tab Menu

  • - - > Dashboard

  • - - > Create a Ticket

  • - - > Active Tickets

  • - - > Closed Tickets

  • - - > Search Tickets

  • - - > Closed Public Tickets

  • - - > Ticket Contacts

  • - - > SMS Ticket Contacts

Clicking the Tickets Tab without utilizing the menu or clicking Dashboard from the menu takes you to the Tickets Dashboard. The dashboard provides you with shortcuts to Recent Private, Recent Public, and General Tickets
Create A Ticket:
From the Create a Ticket section you can submit a trouble ticket to VoIP Innovations' NOC. You can submit a trouble ticket for any issue you may be having or for general questions. Please note that if you are having any type of calling issues you will need to supply full call examples that include call to, call from, and time of call for the NOC to correctly investigate your issue. Failure to provide this information when creating the ticket may delay resolution.

Additionally, if you are experiencing an audio issue we typically require a PCAP of an affected call to investigate. We require this because we do not proxy the audio. Our system is configured so that RTP (audio) passes directly between your switch (or whatever connection IP address is specified in the SDP) and our Underlying Carriers' media gateway(s). For a visual representation of this setup click here. You can obtain the required packet capture for audio issues from a variety of methods but most notably, Wireshark. For a detailed explanation of Wireshark and how to obtain and read packet captures click here. Please also note that our ticket system limits file size to 1MB. If you need to supply a capture that is larger than this (smaller than 10 MB) you can email it to support@voipinnovations.com, use an alternate method such as an http link, an ftp link, or a service such as drop box or Hightail. You can also find a detailed description in the linked Wireshark article on this Wiki for filtering the capture to a manageable size.

Active Tickets:
This section shows any active tickets currently open with VoIP Innovations. You can respond directly through the ticket to update the NOC from this section. The main page shows a summary of the ticket that was opened including Ticket ID, Issue Summary, Status, Type Opened Date and Updated.

Closed Tickets:
This section provides a full list of your closed tickets that you have in the VoIP Innovations ticket system. You can click the Ticket ID to get additional information for each ticket as it is preserved in its original form.

Search Tickets:
In this area, you can search for specific criteria to locate your previous tickets. You can search by Ticket ID, Outage/Problem, Affected DIDs, and Updates. The Outage/Problem search allows you to search using the information supplied when creating the ticket, and the Updates search option searches any of the updates that were made after the ticket was originally opened.

Closed Public Tickets:
This section provides you with a list of all the closed Public tickets that were opened by the VoIP Innovations NOC. You can click on the Ticket ID to get additional information for each ticket.

Ticket Contacts:
This will provide you with the main contact for VoIP Innovations, as well as your own ticket contact information. To receive ticket updates, you will need to add a Ticket Contact to your account.

When adding a ticket contact you will have the following options to choose for each email address: Private Tickets, Public Tickets, Maintenance Tickets, HTML Format, Open by Email and Ticket Feedback. Choose the options you desire for each ticket contact you add.

If a Ticket Contact has the Open by Email option selected, any email sent from that email address will automatically assign a ticket to your account in our system. You can view see these tickets through the Back Office under Tickets-> Active Tickets.

Please note that sending an email from an unauthorized address may cause issues when opening tickets. Please make sure that any relevant contacts have been added to the Back Office to be proactive and avoid any problems.

SMS Ticket Contacts:
This will provide ticket updates to a cell phone. You can configure a contact first and last name along with their cell phone so they receive updates via their mobile phone.

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