E911 Groups

E911 Groups

If you are familiar with VoIP Innovations at all, you understand the importance we place on managing data. Data plays a vital role in helping you manage the day-to-day operations of your business. Our industry leading Back Office provides many areas of necessary data and organizes it in an easy to manage format that includes charts, tables, graphs, etc. We also make specific Groups of data available to you and allow you to enter your own choices into these groups. One such offering (and the purpose of this article) is the E911 Groups option. If you are already utilizing the Endpoint Groups or the DID Groups features, the functionality and processes for E911 Groups will be instantly familiar.

*E911 does NOT provision 911 for DIDs* Please see How To Provision 911 for registering 911 correctly. The E911 Groups feature is just another option that allows you to group sets of data together. Please view with this feature, you can create specific groups for organizing the E911 listings you have with VoIP Innovations. These can be customer specific numbers, local numbers, and off-net numbers to name a few. We create the tool and leave it up to you on how to best use it to suit your needs. While this article explains how to use the E911 Groups feature, you may want to visit the previously mentioned Groups articles located on this Wiki to familiarize yourself with the benefits of using Groups and gain a better understanding of how these can help you manage your business. One difference between the E911 Groups versus the other Groups is that the other Groups features allow you to calculate Gross Profit and Gross Profit Margin and in the E911 Groups, this functionality does not apply. The E911 Groups option is basically a way to better organize the 911 data you keep with VoIP Innovations in a manner that suits your preference.
To take advantage of E911 Groups begin by creating a new group. You can name it anything you like but we suggest using something intuitive like "Company XYZ" or "Off-net Numbers". Using a naming convention such as this adds a layer of convenience and allows you to quickly hone in on the information you seek. To create a new group, click the Groups tab in the Back Office and select E911 Groups from the menu. Next, click the '+' sign to the left of 'Add Group'. This will open a pop-up window wherein you enter the Name and any Notes pertaining to the group (notes are optional).
Once you have created one or more groups, you can populate them with individual DIDs. These can be both on-net and off-net numbers you have configured for 911. On-net numbers are classified as Local and off-net numbers are classified as Off-Network. You add DIDs to E911 Groups by hovering the E911 tab and selecting Manage DIDs. *Note that the DIDs tab also has a menu option of 'Manage DIDs' so ensure you are on the E911 tab when attempting to add numbers to E911 Groups* Once you navigate to the correct page use the search filters to find the DIDs you wish to add to the group and place check marks to the left of the numbers.

Once you've made your selections choose the desired target group from the drop-down menu on the bottom right of the page and click the 'Add Selected DIDs to Group:' button. *Only numbers that are provisioned for 911 can be added to E911 Groups*
After you have created E911 Groups and added E911 DIDs to them you can navigate to specific groups and drill down into any individual group to view and delete individual numbers in the group. Select the Groups tab and select E911 Groups. You will now see any groups you have created and information pertaining to them such as the number of DIDs, the Monthly Recurring Charges (MRCs), E911 Calls, Rogue Calls, Rogue Charges, E911 Alerts, and Total Cost for the DIDs in each group as well as the totals in these categories for all groups. Be aware that although we have included Rogue Calls and Rogue Charges in this data set, you should rarely see these fields populated. The only time you will see information here is if you had a rogue
911 call for the month and afterward added the DID to an E911 Group. Rogue calls occur when a call is placed to 911 through VoIP Innovations from a number that has not been provisioned for 911 with VoIP Innovations. We strongly recommend viewing our other articles on this Wiki regarding 911 so you have a full understanding of how to correctly provision 911 and avoid incurring fees associated with Rogue 911. ( How to view E911 Information, Testing E911 through VoIP Innovations, E911 Alerts, Rogue 911, How To Provision 911). You can remove created groups at any time by placing a check mark to the left of the group and clicking the 'Remove Selected Groups' button. Once a group has been deleted, it cannot be recovered; if you want it back you must recreate it. *Note that when you remove a DID from a group you are NOT removing any associated 911 information from the number itself; you are only removing the entry from the E911 Group*

Begin by selecting the Groups tab and selecting 'E911 Groups' from the menu

Click the '+', complete the necessary information, and click the 'Add Group' button to add a new group

Add DIDs to groups by selecting the E911 tab and selecting 'Manage DIDs' from the menu

Place check marks to the left of the numbers you wish to add to the group, choose the desired target group from the drop-down menu and click the 'Add Selected DIDs to Group:' button

DIDs already associated with E911 groups will also show from the E911 -> Manage DIDs

  1. Export current results to either XLS or CSV format


  1. Use this search filter box to narrow results if desired (useful if you have a high quantity of groups)

  1. This column shows the client the E911 group is assigned to

  1. Lists the number of DIDs in an E911 group


    1. The number of DIDs in a group can differ from the number of DIDs configured for E911 alerts

  1. Included in this list are all the remaining headers


    1. E911 MRCs – Monthly Recurring Charges


    1. E911 Calls – Number of calls made to 911 from DIDs in the group


    1. Rogue Calls and Rogue Charges – These fields will rarely be populated


    1. E911 Alerts – This column shows how many DIDs in the group are configured to send alerts when 911 is called


    1. Total Cost – You can view the total cost for each group as well as the total cost for all groups

  1. You can click on any group to drill down into that specific group

  1. You can edit the group name and notes by clicking the pen and paper

  1. You have the option to change the date range to view the data for that specific date range.

A detailed overview of the E911 -> My DIDs page




  1. Check this box to select every DID on the page


    1. You may also individually select DIDs one by one by checking the boxes next to the desired DIDs

  1. You may use any of the search filters to narrow your results


    1. TN – Here you would search for the desired DID


    1. Alerts – This will show all DIDs that have alerts set for them


    1. Customer Name – You can narrow down by searching a customer name


    1. Type – You can narrow down between off-network and local numbers


    1. E911 Group – Here you can type in the E911 Group you would like to filter with

  1. Pen & Paper – Click this button to edit the E911 provisioning and E911 alerts for the DID

a. Orange 'X' – Do NOT use the orange
'Xs' in regards to E911 Groups as they will be removed the provisioned address and have no bearing on E911 Groups. So be careful!

  1. You can use the drop down and the 'Add Selected DIDs to Group' button to select which

E911 group you would like to add your selected DIDs to.
And an overview of a drill down into an existing group




  1. You can use these drop-down menus and button to change the desired date range

  1. You can update your notes sections by clicking the update note button. This is used to post anything that is relevant to the E911 group.

  1. After selecting all or the desired DIDs by checking the box next to the pen and paper you may click the "Remove Selected DIDs from Group" which will remove the DIDs from this group.

  1. Along with checking the desired DIDs you may use the "Move Selected DIDs to Group" button and its drop-down box to move DIDs to another E911 Group.

  1. Use the pen and paper buttons to open an edit window to make configuration changes to the desired DID.

  1. You can export the current results in either XLS or CSV format by clicking the "Export Results as:" button and drop-down.



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