CDR Format

CDR Format

This article outlines VoIP Innovations' CDR Format to give understanding to file format, column headings, retention, and connections.

When viewing CDRs from the archive page in the Back Office, calls will be in semicolon separated format
Filename convention: YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD.CDR
First YYYYMMDD = Date that the calls within the CDR took place
Second YYYYMMDD = Date that the calls were billed

The above example shows that the calls within this .CDR file occurred on 2/3/18 and were billed on that same day. Similarly, if the file name were 20180203_20180204.CDR, this would mean the calls occurred on 2/3/18 but were not billed until 2/4/18.

Files will remain on FTP/HTTP server for approximately 6 months

Connections can be made to cdrs.globalpopsvoip.com with any standard FTP client. The default username/password for CDRs is the same as the main login for the Back Office. You can change the archive

CDR password by clicking Billing->CDRs->Archived CDRs, completing the necessary information, and clicking the 'Update Password' button. The CDR username cannot be changed.

File Layout
CallType – Displays the type of call the CDR is (e.g. SMS, Termination, Origination, et cetera)
StartTime – Displays the date/time in which the call began (GMT)
StopTime – Displays the date/time in which the call ended (GMT)
CallDuration – The actual length of the call (in seconds)
BillDuration – The length of time that was billed for that call (in seconds)
CallIncrement – The increment in which calls are billed
CallMinimum – The minimum length of time that will be billed for the call (e.g. if CallMinimum is 12, any call with a length shorter than 12 seconds will be billed at 12 seconds) (in seconds) billed after the initial Call Minimum (e.g. if CallMinimum is 12 and CallIncrement is 6, a call of 17 seconds will be billed at 18 seconds)
BasePrice – The price of the call per minute of use (in USD)
CallPrice – The price charged for the entire call (in USD)
TransactionId – Matches with singular charge IDs
CustomerIP – Your IP address for this call (if 64.136.xx.xx, this signifies VI DID Features)
ANI – Originating Phone Number
ANIState – State of the Originating Phone Number
DNIS – Terminating Phone Number
LRN – Local Routing Number of the Terminating Phone Number
DNISState – State of the Terminating Phone Number
DNISLATA – LATA of the Terminating Phone Number
DNISOCN – OCN of the Terminating Phone Number
OrigTier – Tier of the DID the call was received on (Orig only)
TermRateDeck – The Rate deck with which the call was rated (Term only)
TermCarrier- Termination carrier the call traversed. This is only available if the endpoint group is set to the Customizable rate deck.
VIIP - The VoIP Innovations IP address that was used to communicate with your endpoint
EPG - The Endpoint Group ID (integer) that was involved with the call