Billing CDR Types

Billing CDR Types

Below is the list of every call type that will show in your Back Office CDRs and a brief description of each. For example, the difference between Intrastate vs. interstate calls has nothing to do with physical location, but more so, our system looks for the Calling and Called number to determine the difference.

A call will be billed as INTRASTATE if one of two criteria are met:

  1. The Calling Number (ANI) is in the same state as the Called Number (DNIS)

  2. The Calling Number (ANI) is an invalid NANPA caller ID.

What classifies as an Invalid ANI

International Caller IDs
Toll-Free Caller IDs

Any other Caller ID improperly formatted (for example, NPA-NXX-XXXX, asterisk, 2201, anonymous, etc.)

A properly formatted Caller ID is 12, 11, or 10 digits (+1NPANXXXXXX, 1NPANXXXXXX, NPANXXXXXX)

The various call types are:

  • 411 - A call to Directory Assistance (used to obtain the number of a person or business) *Note that this includes calls to 411 as well as any call containing 555 as the NXX; for example, 412555XXXX

  • 800OrigA - Inbound Intrastate Toll-Free Calls (Calls originating inside your state to your TF number)

  • 800OrigC - Inbound Canada Toll-Free Call (Calls originating from Canada to your TF number)

  • 800OrigE - Inbound Interstate Toll-Free Calls (Calls originating outside your state to your TF number)

  • 800OrigK - Inbound Alaska Toll-Free Calls (Calls originating from Alaska to your TF number)

  • 800OrigP - Inbound Puerto Rico Toll-Free Calls (Calls Originating from Puerto Rico to your TF number)

  • 800OrigG – Inbound Guam Toll-Free Calls (Calls Originating from Guam to your TF number)

  • 800 – INTRASTATE – CPAAS - Inbound Intrastate CPaaS Calls (Calls originating inside your state to your TF numbe

  • 800 – INTERSTATE -CPAAS – Inbound Interstate CPaaS Calls (Calls originating outside your state to your TF number)

  • 800 – PR – CPAAS - Inbound Puerto Rico CPaaS Calls (Calls Originating from PR to your TF number)

  • 800 – Alaska -CPAAS - Inbound Alaska CPaaS Calls (Calls Originating from Alaska to your TF number)

  • 800 – Canada – CPAAS - Inbound Canada CPaaS Calls (Calls Originating from Canada to your TF number)

  • 800OrigX - This charge is for calls to toll free numbers that are from invalid caller IDs (e.g. Toll Free caller IDs, International caller IDs, etc). Basically, it's calls from any phone number that is not a valid, local, North American phone number. On the CDRs, it will show as 800OrigX. These are not additional charges but usage charges for these calls that are being put into a separate CDR type. You are not being double billed for these calls.

  • EXT_US_INTERDLR - Outbound Interstate Dialer Calls where LRN is on the Extended Tab of the Dialer Rate Deck File

  • EXT_US_INTRADLR - Outbound Intrastate Dialer Calls where LRN is on the Extended Tab of the Dialer Rate Deck File

  • INTERSTATEDLR - Outbound Interstate Dialer Calls

  • INTRASTATEDLR - Outbound Intrastate Dialer Calls

  • MMS-LOCAL-IN – Inbound Multimedia Messages to a local DID

  • MMS-LOCAL-OUT - Outbound Multimedia Messages from a local DID

  • MMS-TF-IN - Inbound Multimedia Messages to a Toll-Free DID

  • MMS-TF-OUT - Outbound Multimedia Messages from a Toll-Free DID

  • Orig-Tiered - Inbound Calls (The Back-Office Transactions and Invoices will display these by Tier)

  • ORIG-CPAAS – Origination Usage with CPaaS

  • Registered 911 - Outbound Calls to 911 from a Provisioned Caller ID

  • Rogue 911 - Outbound Calls to 911 from an Unprovisioned Caller ID

  • SMS-LOCAL-IN – Inbound Text Messages to a local DID

  • SMS-LOCAL-OUT – Outbound Text Messages from a local DID • Messages to a Toll-Free DID

  • SMS-TF-IN – Inbound Text

  • SMS-TF-OUT – Outbound Text Messages from a Toll-Free DID

  • TERM-CPAAS- Termination Usage with CPaaS

  • TERM_EXT_US_INTER - Outbound Interstate Calls where the LRN is on Extended Tab of the Rate Deck File

  • TERM_EXT_US_INTRA - Outbound Intrastate Calls where the LRN is on the Extended Tab of the Rate Deck File

  • TERM_INTERSTATE - Outbound Interstate Calls

  • TERM_INTRASTATE - Outbound Intrastate Calls

  • TERM_INTERNATIONAL - Outbound International Calls

  • INTL_EEA – International termination within and to Europe

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