Who needs to Register?

Everyone sending outbound SMS traffic through the VI network, regardless of messaging volume or business size, must register. Unregistered outbound SMS is no longer supported as of 4/1/23.

Getting Started with 10DLC

If you are just getting started with 10DLC registration, these articles are a great place to begin reading.

10DLC SMS Overview
10DLC Pricing (blue star)
10DLC Campaign Vetting Announcement (blue star)

Step by Step Registration Process

Follow these steps to get you or your customers properly registered with The Campaign Registry.

  1. 10DLC Customer Registration

  2. 10DLC Campaign/Use Case Registration

  3. 10DLC Campaign DID Assignment


API Methods for Registering 10DLC
Providing External Campaign IDs to VI (For Registered CSPs)
Requesting Customer/Brand Verification (For Throughput Increases)
SMS Carrier Limits