All API 3.0 Methods
This article contains a listing of all available API 3.0 Methods. All methods require, at the very least, two parameters – Login (username) and Password. These will be the first two parameters of every method call. Login/Password credentials can be managed in the Back Office at Add-Ons -> API Users. All methods will return a Response Object.
3.1 auditDIDs
This method returns all DIDs that the client currently owns, as well as key information regarding each of those DIDs.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
Returns: DIDResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, DID, ConferenceLine
3.2 queryDID
This method returns key information regarding the DID being queried. If the DID is owned by the client, the function will return various parameters pertaining to the DID. If the DID is available to purchase or not available, the function will return such information instead.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
did | String | The telephone number or DID that you are querying |
Returns: DIDResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, DIs, ConferenceLine, (a dummy record with a “no records found” status will be returned if no records are found)
3.3 getDIDs
This method allows the user to search the inventory of available DIDs, and returns all DIDs that meet the desired criteria. At least one search criteria must be passed. Pass an empty String or null for criteria not being searched on.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
state | String | The two-letter abbreviation for the state. Use “TF” to browse toll-free DIDs. |
lata | String | The LATA in which you are searching |
rateCenter | String | The rate center in which you are searching |
npa | String | The NPA or area code |
nxx | String | The NXX or exchange |
tier | String | The tier in which you would like to search |
t38 | String | Indicates if the number/s should support T.38 faxing. Can be sent with ‘1/true’ or ‘0/false’ |
cnam | String | Indicates if the number/s should support outbound CNAM storage. Can be sent with ‘1/true’ or ‘0/false’ |
sms | String | Indicates if the number(s) should support SMS messaging. Can be sent with ‘1/true’ or ‘0/false’ |
Network | String | Name of the network to filter. Ex: “Level 3”, “Bandwidth” |
Returns: DIDresponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, DIDLocator, ConferenceLine
3.4 assignDID
This method assigns an available or reserved DID to a valid endpoint group on your account.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
DIDParam | List | Each DIDParam represents a DID to assign. The tn and epg properties are required. Optional properties are cnam and refid. |
Returns: DIDResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, DID, ConferenceLine
3.5 configDID
This method configures the endpoint group and cnam for DIDs which are assigned to your account.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
DIDParam | List | Each DIDParam represents a DID to assign. The tn and epg properties are required. Optional properties are cnam and refid. |
Returns: DIDResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, DID, ConferenceLine
3.6 releaseDID
This method is used to release DIDs from an account.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
DIDParam | List | Each DIDParam represents a DID to assign. The tn property is required. Optional properties are cnam and refid. |
Returns: DIDResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, DID, ConferenceLine
3.7 reserveDID
This method will reserve an available DID for a maximum of 30 minutes. If the reserved DID is not assigned before the time expires, it will be released back into inventory.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
DIDParam | List | Each DIDParam represents a DID to assign. The tn property is required. Optional properties are cnam and refid. |
3.8 getProvisioningHistory
This method gets the provisioning history for a DID. The records returned are from the 911 service provider.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
did | String | The DID number for which you are retrieving the provisioning history |
Returns: Response911
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, VILocation
3.9 audit911
This method returns the 911 information you have added/updated for all DIDs (including not currently owned a.k.a. off-net DIDs).
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
Returns: Response911
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, DID911
3.10 query911
This method returns the 911 information for the provisioned location of the specified DID.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
did | String | The DID number for which you wish to view 911 information |
Returns: Response911
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, DID911, VILocation
3.11 remove911
This method removes the 911 information associated with a DID.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
did | String | The DID number for which you are removing 911 information |
Returns: Response911
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, Status911
3.12 insert911
This method adds and provisions a 911location for a DID that is currently registered with your account.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
did | String | The DID number for which you are updating 911 information |
address1 | String | The street and house number |
address2 | String | Additional information such as apartment or suite |
city | String | City or community |
state | String | The two-letter abbreviation for the state |
zip | String | The 5-digit ZIP code |
plusFour | String | The 4-digit ZIP code extension |
callerName | String | The caller name to be associated with the DID |
Returns: Response911
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, Status911
3.13 update911
This method updates the provisioned 911location information for a DID that is currently registered with your account.
An INVALID location information will result in no provisioned location for the specified DID.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
did | String | The DID number for which you are updating 911 information |
address1 | String | The street and house number |
address2 | String | Additional information such as apartment or suite |
city | String | City or community |
state | String | The two-letter abbreviation for the state |
zip | String | The 5-digit ZIP code |
plusFour | String | The 4-digit ZIP code extension |
callerName | String | The caller name to be associated with the DID |
Return: Response911
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, Status911
3.14 getDIDCount
This method allows the user to search the inventory of available DIDs by one or more, and returns the number of DIDs available at each rate center per ties. At least one search criteria must be passed. Pass an empty String or null for criteria not being searched on.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
state | String | The two-letter abbreviation for the state |
lata | String | The LATA in which you are searching |
rateCenter | String | The rate center in which you are searching |
npa | String | The NPA or area code |
nxx | String | The NXX or exchange |
tier | String | The tier in which you would like to search |
t38 | String | Indicates if the number/s should support T.38 faxing. Can be sent with ‘1/true’ or ‘0/false’ |
cnam | String | Indicates if the number/s should support outbound CNAM storage. Can be sent with ‘1/true’ or ‘0/false’ |
orderBy | String | The Field to order results by. The Default is ‘state’. Other options are ‘rc’ for Rate Center, ‘lata’ for the lataid, or ‘tier’ for the number tier |
sms | String | Indicates if the number(s) should support SMS messaging. Can be sent with ‘1/true’ or ‘0/false’ |
Network | String | Name of the network to filter. Ex: “Level 3”, “Bandwidth” |
Returns: DIDResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, DIDCount, ConferenceLine
3.15 isPortable
This method allows the user to determine if a telephone number is portable.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | A ten-digit telephone number for which you are checking portability |
Returns: PortResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, IsPortable
3.16 getPortDetails
Returns the details of a specified port ID.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
portID | Integer | The port ID you would like to query |
Returns: PortResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, PortDetail, IsPortable
3.17 GetCountries (Not Currently In Use)
This method returns a list of available countries and city codes from which international DIDs can be selected.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
Returns: IntlResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, Country
3.18 AssignIntlDID (Currently Not in Use)
This method assigns an available International DID to a valid endpoint group on your account.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
cityID | Integer | The city ID from which you are assigning the international DID |
epgID | Integer | The endpoint group ID to assign the new international DID |
The endpoint group to which you are assigning this DID MUST have the Strip Country Code (Strip CC) disabled to assign an international DID.
This method will return a 900-error code if there are no DIDs currently available for the indicated city code.
Returns: IntlResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, Country, IntlDID
3.19 ReleaseIntlDID
This method removes an International DID from your account.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | The international DID to release from the account |
Returns: IntlResponse
Properties populated: responseCode and responseMessage
3.20 SetFaxToEmail
This method sets the fax to email feature on a DID.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | The DID to add this feature to |
String | The recipient email address |
Returns: FaxToEmailResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, Email
3.21 GetFaxToEmail
This method returns the fax to email recipient for a given DID.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | The DID to query |
Returns: FaxToEmailResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, Email
3.22 RemoveFaxToEmail
This method removes fax to email from a specific DID.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | The DID for which to remove the FaxToEmail feature |
Returns: FaxToEmailResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, Email
3.23 GetCNAMDisplay
This method gets caller ID display name on file for the DID you query.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | The DID to query |
Returns: CNAMResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, DisplayName
3.24 UpdateCNAMDisplay
This method updates caller ID display name for a specific DID (DID must support CNAM storage).
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | The DID for which you are updating the CNAM entry |
name | String | The name you are updating the TN to |
Returns: CNAMResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, DisplayName
3.25 RemoveCNAM
This method removes the caller ID display name (Outbound CallerID) on the specified DID.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | The DID for which you are removing the Outbound CNAM entry |
Returns: CNAMResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage
3.26 validate911
This method checks the validity of an address to be used for 911.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
address1 | String | The street and house number |
address2 | String | Additional information such as APT 2 or STE 111 |
city | String | The full city name |
state | String | The two-letter state abbreviation |
zip | String | The 5-digit ZIP code |
plusFour | String | The 4-digit ZIP code extension |
callerName | String | The calling party name associated with this DID/Location |
Note: This method does not provision the location to the DID. It only checks the validity of the provided address.
Returns: Response911
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage. A 100, Success indicates a valid address. Whereas a 101, No Records Found indicates a failure
3.27 Add911Alert
This method adds an alert contact to the DID. When 911 is dialed from the number an alert is generated and sent to the provided contact information.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | The DID for which you are adding the e911 alerts feature |
String | The email address to which alerts will be sent to |
Carrier | |
Alltel | |
AT&T | |
Nextel | |
Sprint | |
SunCom | |
T-Mobile | |
VoiceStream | |
Verizon | |
Returns: Response911
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage
3.28 Remove911Alert
This method removes the alert contact information from the DID.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | The DID for which you are removing the e911 alerts feature or an assigned email |
String | The email address to be removed |
Returns: Response911
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage
3.29 Query911Alert
This method returns DID and emails regarding the 911Alert being queried.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | The DID for which you would like to view the alert recipients |
Returns: Response911
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, and Alerts. Alerts is populated with an ArrayOfStrings, containing one string with a comma separated list of the email addresses assigned to the DID.
3.30 UpdateDIDFailover
This method is used to set or update the DID to utilize a failover number. In event that the server goes down, calls to this DID will automatically be sent to the failover number once there is no response received from its specified endpoint group.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | The DID to which you are adding the failover feature |
failover | String | The number to which failed calls will be sent (You may leave this parameter blank to remove a failover) |
Returns: DIDResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, ConferenceLine
3.31 GetDIDFailover
This method returns the failover number for the specified DID.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | The DID for which you would like to retrieve the failover number |
Returns: DIDResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, DID, ConferenceLine. The DID object contains an additional property: failover. This property will contain the failover number for the DID or an empty string if there is no associated failover number
3.32 SetDIDGroup
This method will move the tn to the DID group with the specified groupId.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | Telephone number / DID for which you are updating the DID Group |
groupId | String | The DID Group ID |
Returns: DIDResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, ConferenceLine
3.33 CreateDIDGroup
This method will create a new DID group.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
name (optional) | String | DID Group name |
Returns: DIDResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, and DIDGroup
3.34 RemoveDIDGroup
This method will remove the specified tn from the assigned DID group.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | Telephone number which you are updating |
Returns: DIDResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, ConferenceLine
3.35 GetDIDGroup
This method gets the DID group (if any) that the tn is assigned to.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | Telephone number / DID for which you are querying |
Returns: DIDResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, and DIDGroup
3.36 GetDIDGroups
This method gets all DID groups.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
Returns: DIDResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, and DIDGroup
3.37 AuditDIDGroup
This method returns all DIDs within the specified group ID, as well as key information regarding each of those DIDs.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
groupId | Integer | The ID number for the group you are auditing |
Returns: DIDResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, DID, ConferenceLine
3.38 GetDIDForward
This method returns the forward number (if set) for a specified DID.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | Telephone number / DID for which you are querying |
Returns: DIDResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, DID, ConferenceLine. The DID property will contain an added field: forward
3.39 SetDIDForward
This method will set the forward number for a specified DID. Calls to DIDs with forwarding enabled are not sent to an endpoint group on your account, instead, they are sent to a server on VoIP Innovations that forwards the call to the specified number.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | Telephone number / DID for which you want to configure a forward |
forward | String | Destination (forward-to) telephone number (10-digits) |
Returns: DIDResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, ConferenceLine
3.40 RemoveDIDForward
This method will remove any forwarding set on the DID. The DID will then be pointed to the specified Endpoint Group.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | The DID in which you are removing the forward |
epgId | String | The endpoint group id that the DID will be re-assigned to |
Returns: DIDResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, ConferenceLine
3.41 AuditIntlDIDs
This method returns all International DIDs currently assigned to your account.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
Returns: IntlResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, and IntlDID
3.42 GetConferenceLine
This method gets the conference line status and associated PIN for the specified telephone number .
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | The DID to query for the conference line setting |
Returns: DIDResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, and ConferenceLine (ConferenceLine includes the following now: TN, Enabled(Boolean), PIN)
3.43 SetConferenceLine
This method will enable conference line/update conference PIN for the specified TN.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | The DID on which you are enabling the conference line feature |
pin | String | Personal Identification Number (eight-digit limitation password) |
Returns: DIDResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, ConferenceLine
3.44 RemoveConferenceLine
This method will disable conference line for the specified TN.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | The DID for which you are disabling the conference line feature |
Returns: DIDResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, ConferenceLine
3.45 GetPrepaidBalance
This method gets the prepaid balance currently on the account.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
Returns: NumericResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, Amount
3.46 ConfigFaxToEmailNotifications
This method will enable to disable “Receive Failure Notifications” for DIDs with Fax-to-Email enabled. If a specified DID is not found on the account or does not have Fax-to-Email enabled, then the “No records found” response (code 101) is returned.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | DID with Fax-to-Email enabled |
enabled/disabled | Boolean | Can be sent with ‘1/true’ or ‘0/false’ |
Returns: FaxToEmailResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage
3.47 GetInventoryTNs
This method will display all DIDs stored in personal inventory on a client’s account. didType can be LOCAL, TF, INTL, or ALL. Any other didType will return all TNs.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
didType | String | Can be LOCAL, TF, INTL, or ALL |
Returns: TNResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, and TNs (array of strings)
3.48 GetUnconfiguredTNs
This method will display all unconfigured DIDs on a client’s account. didType can be LOCAL, TF, INTL, or ALL. Any other didType will return all TNs.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
didType | String | Can be LOCAL, TF, INTL, or ALL |
Returns: TNResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, and TNs (array of strings)
3.49 InventoryDIDs
This method accepts a list of TNs (strings) to be assigned to Personal Inventory.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
DIDParam | List | Each DIDParam represents a DID to assign. The tn property is required. Optional properties are cnam and refid |
Returns: DIDResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, ConferenceLine
3.50 DeactivateEndpointGroup
This method will allow you to set an endpoint group to an inactive status.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
groupid | String | This is the EPG ID (endpoint group ID) of the group you are looking to deactivate. |
Returns: Response
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage
3.51 ActivateEndpointGroup
This method will allow you to set an endpoint group to an active status.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
groupid | String | This is the EPG ID (endpoint group ID) of the group you are looking to activate. |
Returns: Response
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage
3.52 GetPortHistory
This method will return full port history for a specified DID.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | The DID for which you are requesting port history |
Returns: PortResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, PortHistory, PortDetail, IsPortable
3.53 ConfigSMS (Deprecated. Please use ConfigSMSDestination).
This method is used to enable or disable the SMS feature on 3 DIDs. It can also be used to manage our SMS forwarding feature (Forward to Email or TN). If this forwardEmail string is null or empty, any forwards will be removed.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | The DID you wish to configure SMS with |
enable | Boolean | Can be sent with ‘1/true’ or ‘0/false’ |
forwardEmail | String | This can be one or more e-mail addresses (separated by semicolons if multiple) or a 10-digit TN. This will set the SMS destination to EMAIL. |
Returns: SMSResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, SMSDID
3.54 AuditSMS
This method is used to display all DIDs on the account and their current SMS status. All DIDs will display if a Forward is specified and if SMS is active/inactive on each DID.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | Specify a TN to get specific information on that DID, or leave blank to return information on ALL DIDs on account. |
Returns: SMSResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, SMSDID
3.55 SendSMS
This method is used to send outbound SMS messages.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
sender | String | This is the source number you are sending from |
recipient | String | This is the destination you are sending to |
message | String | This is the message you are sending to the recipient |
Returns: SMSResponse
Properties Populated: responseCode, responseMessage
3.56 SendMMS
This method is used to send outbound MMS messages.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
sender | String | This is the source number you are sending from |
recipient | String | This is the destination you are sending to |
message | String | This is the message you are sending to the recipient |
files | ArrayOfMMSFile | This is how you pass the MMS file in the form of an image |
Returns: MMSResponse
Properties returned: responseCode, responseMessage
3.57 AuditClients
This method will return information related to Clients on your account. This is basically the same information that is populated in the clients section of the VI Back Office. This include any endpoint groups, DID groups, E911 groups, usage, associated Hosted Billing customers, failovers, forwards, conference lines, and fax to email DIDs.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
Returns: AuditResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, Clients
3.58 AuditEndpointGroups
This method will return information related to the endpoint groups on your account. This includes the endpoint group ID (number), name, associated client, port, prepend setting, rate deck, strip plus setting, strip country code setting, international setting, month-to-date usage, and IP addresses contained within.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
Returns: AuditResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, EndpointGroup
3.59 AuditEndpointGroup
This method will return information related to one specific endpoint group on your account. This includes the endpoint group ID (number), name, associated client, port, prepend setting, rate deck, strip plus setting, strip country code setting, international setting, month-to-date usage, and IP addresses contained within.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
groupId | Integer | Unique Endpoint Group ID number |
Returns: AuditResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, EndpointGroup
3.60 AuditConferenceLines
This method will return information related to DIDs on your account with the Conference Line feature enabled. This includes the TN (DID), Enabled status (True or False), and PIN (if applicable).
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
Returns: AuditResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, ConferenceLine
3.61 AuditDIDFailovers
This method will return information related to DIDs on your account with the Failover feature enabled. This includes the TN (DID), and FailoverTN.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
Returns: AuditResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, DIDFailover
3.62 AuditDIDForwards
This method will return information related to DIDs on your account with the Call Forwarding feature enabled. This includes the TN (DID), and ForwardTN.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
Returns: AuditResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, DIDForward
3.63 AuditFaxToEmails
This method will return information related to DIDs on your account with the Fax to Email feature enabled. This includes the TN (DID), and Email(s) associated.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
Returns: AuditResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, FaxToEmail
3.64 getActivePorts
This method will return information related to all the active ports on your account. This includes the port id, submittedDate, focDate, requestedFocDate, defaultEndpointGroup.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
Returns: PortResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, PortDetail, IsPortable
3.65 ConfigSMSDestination
This method allows you to configure a DID with SMS but also to assign a specific destination type to the DID.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | The DID for which you are configuring the SMS destination type |
destinationType | String | The types are going to be ‘NONE’ or ‘SIP’ or ‘EMAIL’ or ‘FORWARD’ or ‘POST’ or ‘GET’ or ‘PROGTELCO’. |
authToken | String | This will only be used when you configure the POST or GET as the destination type |
Returns: SMSResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, SMSDID
3.66 GetAvailableNPAs
This method will allow you to see what NPAs we have coverage for.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
state | String | The state you are looking for a DID within |
ratecenter | String | The rateCenter you are looking for a DID within |
Returns: Response
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, responseData
3.67 GetAvailableRateCenters
This method will allow you to view rate centers which we have coverage for. This rate center may not have DIDs available. Please see the getDIDs or getDIDCount methods to see the available rate centers.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
state | String | The state you are looking for Rate Centers within |
Returns: Response
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, responseData
3.68 GetAvailableStates
This method will allow you to see what our available coverage by State.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
Returns: Response
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, responseData
3.69 GetScripts
This method will allow you to pull a list of your scripts entered the Apidaze / Programmable Telco section ofthe Back Office.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
Returns: ProgrammableTelcoResponse
Properties Populated: responseCode, responseMessage, ProgrammableTelcoScript
3.70 ProgramDID
This method will assign a DID to a script entered in the Programmable Telco section of the Back Office
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
did | String | The DID you want to program a script to |
scriptId | String | The Script you are assigning the DID to |
Returns: ProgrammableTelcoResponse
Properties Populated: responseCode, responseMessage
3.71 UnprogramDID
This method will unassign a DID from a programmable telco script and reassign the DID to an endpoint group.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
did | String | The DID you want to program a script to |
endpointGroupId | String | The endpoint group you are assigning the DID to |
Returns: ProgrammableTelcoResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage
3.72 AddEmailToFax
This method will allow you to add an email address to a DID for the Email to Fax service.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | The DID for which you are adding the email address |
String | The email address you are adding to the DID |
Returns: EmailToFaxResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage
3.73 GetEmailToFax
This method will list all emails that are associated with the email to fax service for this DID.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tn | String | The DID you are attempting to pull associated email addresses for |
Returns: EmailToFaxResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, Email, CallerID
3.74 RemoveEmailToFax
This method will allow you to remove an email from the email to fax service for a DID in the Back Office.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
String | The email you are removing from a DID for the email to fax service |
Response: EmailToFaxResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage
3.75 getDIDsExtended
This method allows the user to search our Extended Inventory of available DIDs by one or more, and returns all DIDs that meet the desired criteria. At least one search criteria must be passed. Pass an empty String or null for criteria not being searched on.
Parameters: Required search criteria is one of the following:
state AND rateCenter
-npa -lata
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
state | String | The two-letter abbreviation for the state |
lata | String | The LATA in which you are searching |
rateCenter | String | The rate center in which you are searching |
npa | String | The NPA or area code |
nxx | String | The NXX or exchange |
tier | String | The tier in which you would like to search |
t38 | String | Indicates if the number/s should support T.38 faxing. Can be sent with ‘1/true’ or ‘0/false’ |
cnam | String | Indicates if the number/s should support outbound CNAM storage. Can be sent with ‘1/true’ or ‘0/false’ |
sms | String | Indicates if the number/s should support SMS messaging. Can be sent with ‘1/true’ or ‘0/false’ |
Network | String | Name of the network to filter. Ex: “Level 3”, “Bandwidth” |
Returns: DIDresponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, DIDLocator, ConferenceLine
3.76 assignDIDExtended
This method assigns an available or reserved DID from our Extended Inventory to a valid endpoint group on your account.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
DIDParam | List | Each DIDParam represents a DID to assign. The tn and epg properties are required. Optional properties are cnam and refid. |
Returns: DIDResponse
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, DID, ConferenceLine
3.77 GetSMSCustomers
This method will display a list of all registered customers for 10DLC SMS.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
Properties populated:
3.78 GetSMSCampaigns
This method will display a list of all registered campaigns for 10DLC SMS.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
Properties populated:
3.79 AssignToSMSCampaign
This method will assign one or more DIDs to a registered 10DLC SMS campaign.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tns | String | The DID(s) to assign |
campaignId | String | The 10DLC SMS campaignID |
Properties populated:
3.80 RemoveFromSMSCampaign
This method will remove one or more DIDs from a registered 10DLC SMS campaign.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tns | String | The DID(s) to remove |
Properties populated:
3.81 CreateSMSCampaign
This method will create a new 10DLC SMS Campaign/Use-Case.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
customerId | String | The DID(s) to remove |
description | String | Campaign Description |
displayName | String | Campaign display name |
vertical | String | Industry of campaign type |
messageFlow | String | Opt-in summary |
sampleMsg1 | String | Sample message 1 |
sampleMsg2 | String | Sample message 2 |
subOptIn | boolean | Subscriber Opt-In |
subOptOut | boolean | Subscriber Opt-out |
subHelp | boolean | Subscriber Help |
numPooling | boolean | Number Pooling |
directLending | boolean | Direct Lending |
embeddedLink | boolean | Embedded Link |
embeddedPhone | boolean | Embedded Phone Number |
affMarketing | boolean | Affiliate Marketing |
ageGated | boolean | Age-gated Content |
usecaseId | String | Use case ID |
subUsecaseIds | String | Sub-use case ID |
Properties populated: responseCode, responseMessage, Campaigns
3.82 CreateSMSCustomer
This method will create a new customer (brand) for 10DLC SMS registration.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
customer | SMSCustomer | Customer information |
Properties populated:
3.83 DeleteSMSCustomer
This method will delete an existing customer (brand) for 10DLC SMS registration.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
customerId | String | Customer ID |
Properties populated:
3.84 DeleteSMSCampaign
This method will remove an existing 10DLC SMS campaign.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
campaignId | String | Campaign ID |
Properties populated:
3.85 GetSMSEnumerations
This method will provide additional information for 10DLC SMS customer creation, such as Entity Types and Verticals.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
Properties populated:
3.86 GetSMSUsecaseOptions
This method will provide additional information for the specified customer, such as name/address details and campaign information.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
customerId | String | Customer ID |
Properties populated:
3.87 GetCampaignRejectionReason
This method will provide more information as to why a campaign was rejected by The Campaign Registry.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
campaignId | String | Campaign ID |
Properties populated:
3.88 GetSMSCustomersByTag
This method will
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
tag | String | Tag |
Properties populated:
3.89 RegisterExternalSMSCampaign
This method will allow the registration of an external SMS campaign (from The Campaign Registry).
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
campaignId | String | Campaign ID |
displayName | String | Display Name |
Properties populated:
3.90 ResubmitExternalSMSCampaign
This method will allow the resubmission of an external SMS campaign (from The Campaign Registry).
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
campaignId | String | Campaign ID |
Properties populated:
3.91 TriggerSMSOTP
This method will trigger an SMS OTP for customer verification.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
customerId | String | Customer ID |
Properties populated:
3.92 UpdateSMSCampaign
This method will update a 10DLC SMS campaign.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
campaignId | String | Campaign ID |
helpMessage | String | Help Message |
optOutMessage | String | Opt-Out Message |
messageFlow | String | Opt-in summary |
description | String | Campaign description |
sampleMsg1 | String | Sample Message 1 |
sampleMsg2 | String | Sample Message 2 |
Properties populated:
3.92 UpdateSMSCustomer
This method will update an existing 10 DLC SMS customer.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
customer | List | Customer information |
Properties populated:
3.93 CheckSMSCustomerStatus
This method will provide additional information as to a 10DLC SMS customer’s verification status.
Name | Type | Description |
login | String | Your API username |
secret | String | Your API user password |
customerId | String | Customer ID |
Properties populated: