Response Objects
This article lists all of the response onbjects that are returned when calling our API 3.0 Methods.
1.1 DIDResponse
A DIDResponse is returned by calls to DID methods.
Methods that return a DIDResponse: auditDIDs, queryDID, getDIDs, assignDID, configDID, releaseDID, reserveDID, getDIDCount, UpdateDIDFailover, GetDIDFailover, SetDIDGroup, CreateDIDGroup, RemoveDIDGroup, GetDIDGroup, GetDIDGroups, AuditDIDGroup, GetDIDForward, SetDIDForward, RemoveDIDForward, GetConferenceLine, SetConferenceLine, RemoveConferenceLine, InventoryDIDs
Name | Type | Description |
responseCode | Integer | The method call’s response code |
responseMessage | String | Describes the status of the method call |
DIDs | List<DID> | Populated by the following methods: auditDIDs, queryDID, assignDID, configDID, releaseDID, reserveDID, GetDIDFailover, AuditDIDGroup, GetDIDForward, |
DIDLocators | List<DIDLocator> | Populated by the following methods: getDIDs |
DIDCounts | List <DIDCount> | Populated by the following methods: getDIDCounts |
DIDGroups | List<DIDGroup> | Populated by the following methods: CreateDIDGroup |
ConferenceLine | Boolean | Populated by methods that return a DIDResponse |
1.2 Response911
A Response911 is returned by calls to 911 methods.
Methods that return a Response911: removeLocation, addLocation, provisionLocation, getLocations, getProvisioningHistory, audit911, query911, remove911, insert911, update911, validate911, Add911Alert, Remove911Alert, Query911Alert
Name | Type | Description |
responseCode | Integer | The method call’s response code |
responseMessage | String | Describes the status of the method call |
Statuses | Array | Returns an ArrayOfStatus911. |
| Populated by the following methods: removeLocation, provisionLocation, remove911, insert911, update911 |
DID911s | Array | Returns an ArrayofDID911. Populated by the following methods: audit911, query911 |
VILocations | Array | Returns an ArrayofVILocation. Populated by the following methods: addLocation, getLocations, getProvisioningHistory, query911 |
Alerts | Array | Returns a list of email addresses assigned for alerts for E911. Populated by the following methods: Query911Alert |
1.3 PortResponse
A PortResponse is returned by calls to porting (LNP) information methods.
Methods that return a PortResponse: isPortable, getPortDetails, GetPortHistory, getActivePorts
Name | Type | Description |
responseCode | Integer | The method call’s response code |
responseMessage | String | Describes the status of the method call |
PortHistory | Array | Returns an array of port details. Populated by the following methods: GetPortHistory |
PortDetails | Object | Returns specific port details: Populated by the following methods: getPortDetails, GetPortHistory, getActivePorts |
IsPortable | Boolean | Returns a true or false statement, showing if a DID is portable or not. Populated by all methods that return a PortResponse |
1.4 IntlResponse
An IntlResponse is returned by calls to international DIDs information methods.
Methods that return an IntlResponse: GetCountries, AssignIntlDID, ReleaseIntlDID, AuditIntlDIDs
Name | Type | Description |
responseCode | Integer | The method call’s response code |
responseMessage | String | Describes the status of the method call |
Countries | Array | Returns an array of countries. Populated by the following methods: GetCountries, AssignIntlDID |
DIDs | Array | Returns an array of DIDs. Populated by the following methods: AuditIntlDIDs |
DID | Object | Returns an international DID Populated by the following DID: AssignIntlDID |
1.5 FaxToEmailResponse
A FaxToEmailResponse is returned by calls for DIDs configured for Fax to Email.
Methods that return a FaxToEmailResponse: SetFaxToEmail, GetFaxToEmail, RemoveFaxToEmail, ConfigFaxToEmailNotifications
Name | Type | Description |
responseCode | Integer | The method call’s response code |
responseMessage | String | Describes the status of the method call |
String | Returns either one or multiple emails that are associated with a DID. Populated by the following methods: SetFaxToEmail, GetFaxToEmail, RemoveFaxToEmail |
1.6 CNAMResponse
A CNAMResponse is returned by calls regarding DID CNAM Storage (Outbound CNAM).
Methods that return a CNAMResponse: GetCNAMDisplay, UpdateCNAMDisplay, RemoveCNAM
Name | Type | Description |
responseCode | Integer | The method call’s response code |
responseMessage | String | Describes the status of the method call |
DisplayName | String | Returns the display name or the caller ID that is associated with a DID. Populated by the following methods: GetCNAMDisplay, UpdateCNAMDisplay |
1.7 NumericResponse
A NumericResponse is returned by calls to retrieve the Account’s Prepaid Balance.
Methods that return a NumericResponse: GetPrepaidBalance
Name | Type | Description |
responseCode | Integer | The method call’s response code |
responseMessage | String | Describes the status of the method call |
Amount | Decimal | Returns the dollar amount reflecting the balance on the account Populated by the following methods: GetPrepaidBalance |
1.8 SMSResponse
A SMSResponse is returned by API calls regarding SMS.
Methods that return a SMSResponse: ConfigSMS, AuditSMS, SendSMS, SendMMS, ConfigSMSDestination
Name | Type | Description |
responseCode | Integer | The method call’s response code |
responseMessage | String | Describes the status of the method call |
DIDs | Array | Returns an array of DIDs Populated by the following methods: ConfigSMS, AuditSMS, ConfigSMSDestination |
1.9 TNResponse
A TNResponse is returned by calls regarding TNs.
Methods that return a TNResponse: GetInventoryTNs, GetUnconfiguredTNs
Name | Type | Description |
responseCode | Integer | The method call’s response code |
responseMessage | String | Describes the status of the method call |
TNs | Array | Returns an array of TNs Populated by the following methods: GetInventoryTNs, GetUnconfiguredTNs |
2.0 AuditResponse
Returned by methods that are auditing the account.
Methods that return an AuditResponse: AuditClients, AuditEndpointGroups, AuditEndpointGroup, AuditConferenceLines, AuditDIDFailovers, AuditDIDForwards, AuditFaxToEmails
Name | Type | Description |
responseCode | Integer | The method call’s response code |
responseMessage | String | Describes the status of the method call |
Clients | Array | Returns an array of information regarding client information. Populated by the following methods: AuditClients |
EndpointGroups | Array | Returns an array of information regarding endpoint groups. Populated by the following methods: AuditEndpointGroup, AuditEndpointGroups |
ConferenceLines | Array | Returns an array of information regarding conference lines. Populated by the following methods: AuditConferenceLines |
DIDFailovers | Array | Returns an array of information regarding DID failovers on the account. Populated by the following methods: AuditDIDFailovers |
DIDForwards | Array | Returns an array of information regarding DID forwards on the account. Populated by the following methods: AuditDIDForwards |
FaxToEmails | Array | Returns an array of information regarding Fax to Email DIDs on the account. Populated by the following methods: AuditFaxToEmails |
2.1 Response
Methods that return a Response: DeactivateEndpointGroup, ActivateEndpointGroup, GetAvailableNPAs, GetAvailableRateCenters, GetAvailableStates
Name | Type | Description |
responseCode | Integer | The method call’s response code |
responseMessage | String | Describes the status of the method call |
responseData | Array | Returns data based on the method you are calling Populated by the following methods:
GetAvailableNPAs, GetAvailableRateCenters, GetAvailableStates |
2.2 ProgrammableTelcoResponse
This response is returned when calling a method that involves a script with Programmable Telco.
Methods that return a ProgrammableTelcoResponse: GetScripts, ProgramDID, UnprogramDID
Name | Type | Description |
responseCode | Integer | The method call’s response code |
responseMessage | String | Describes the status of the method call |
Scripts | Array | Returns an array of programmable telco scripts Populated by the following methods: GetScripts |
2.3 EmailToFaxResponse
This response is returned when calling a method that involves Email to Fax
Methods that return a EmailToFaxResponse: AddEmailToFax, GetEmailToFax, RemoveEmailToFax
Name | Type | Description |
responseCode | Integer | The method call’s response code |
responseMessage | String | Describes the status of the method call |
Array | Returns an array that shows all emails assigned to a DID for the Email to Fax service. Populated by the following methods: GetEmailToFax | |
CallerID | String | Returns the DID that has the email associated for Email to Fax Populated by the following methods:
GetEmailToFax |