2.1 DID
A DID is ‘Direct Inward Dial’ and is a telephone number.
Methods using DID object(s): auditDIDs, queryDID, assignDID, configDID, releaseDID, reserveDID, GetDIDFailover, GetDIDForward, AuditDIDGroup
Name | Type | Description |
tn | String | Telephone number |
availability | String | Defines the status of the returned TN |
rewrite | String | Used in rewriting the DNIS for the TN if assigned to you or reserved by you |
status | String | This is the status of a request, for example ‘Success’ |
statusCode | String | Each status has a matching numerical value, for example, a ‘Success’ status has a ‘100’ statusCode |
tier | String | Pricing tier on which the number resides |
refId | String | This is the customer-defined Reference ID that is associated with this request. This field is purely for the benefit of the API user, and could potentially be used to associate a Customer ID, Order ID, or any other Reference ID to an API Request. |
cnamName | String | CNAM Storage Display Name |
state | String | State |
rateCenter | String | Rate Center that services the DID |
didGroupID | String | ID number of the DID Group as can be found in the Back Office under Groups -> DID Groups |
network | String | The network on which the DID resides |
endpointId | Int | This will return an integer that defines which endpoint group ID this TN will route to if the TN is assigned to you or reserved by you. This can be changed by performing a configDID request |
has411 | String | Indicates if the DID currently has a 411-registered address |
has911 | String | Indicates if the DID currently has an e911 registered address |
cnam | Boolean | Denotes whether inbound CNAM dip is or is not active for the DID |
cnamStorageActive | Boolean | Denotes whether a CNAM Storage record is or is not on file in our database for the DID |
cnamStorageAvailablility | Boolean | Denotes if a DID supports CNAM Storage capability or not |
t38 | Boolean | Denotes if a DID is T38 capable |
failover | String | Failover number (if set) on the DID. This field is only included with the GetDIDFailover method. |
forward | String | Forward number (if set) on the DID. This field is only included with the GetDIDForward method. |
2.2 DIDLocator
A DIDLocator is a representation of DID information in our database.
Methods using DIDLocator object(s): getDIDs
Name | Type | Description |
tn | String | Telephone number of the DID matching your search criteria |
rateCenter | String | The name of the Rate Center that matches your search criteria |
state | String | Two-letter state abbreviation that matches your search criteria |
tier | String | Pricing tier on which the number in your search criteria |
network | String | The ULC that the DID currently belongs with |
lataId | Int | The LATA that matches your search criteria |
outboundCNAM | Boolean | Denotes if the DID in your search criteria supports CNAM Storage |
t38 | Boolean | Denotes if the DID in your search criteria is T38 capable |
sms | Boolean | Denotes if the DID in your search criteria supports SMS |
2.3 DIDParam
A DIDParam defines values for modifying a DID
Methods using DIDParam object(s): assignDID, configDID, releaseDID, reserveDID, InventoryDIDs
Name | Type | Description |
tn | String | Telephone Number |
locationId | String | ID generated by our 911 provider associated with the location |
cnam | String | This is the bit value “0” or “1” for setting inbound CNAM dips inactive (0) or active (1) |
refId | String | This is the customer-defined reference ID associated with this request. This field is purely for the benefit of the API user and could potentially be used to associate a customer ID, Order ID, or any other Reference ID to an API request. |
2.4 DID911
DID911 defines data stored in our database pertaining to a 911 registration for a DID
Methods using DID911 object(s): audit911, query911
Name | Type | Description |
locationId | String | The location ID that is populated |
tn | String | The tn that you are querying |
callerName | String | The caller name that was entered for the e911 address |
address1 | String | Street and house number |
address2 | String | Any additional information such as “Apartment 1” or “Suite 100” etc. |
city | String | City |
state | String | State |
zipCode | String | Zip code |
latitude | String | Latitude coordinate of the address on file |
longitude | String | Longitude coordinate of the address on file |
statusCode | String | The status code provided for the query ran |
statusDescription | String | The description associated with the status code |
activatedTime | DateTime | The time the e911 address was activated or provisioned |
dateAdded | DateTime | Date/Time the location was registered |
2.5 Status911
A Status911 defines the status code and status description of a modified 911 location or DID
Methods using Status911 object(s): provisionLocation, removeLocation, update911, insert911, remove911
Name | Type | Description |
statusCode | String | Used to determine the status of the database call |
statusDescription | String | Describes the status of the database call |
2.6 VILocation
A VILocation defines data that is stored in our database for a location registered to a DID
Methods using VILocation object(s): addLocation, getLocations, getProvisioningHistory, query911
Name | Type | Description |
locationId | String | ID generated by 911 provider (DASH) associated with the location |
address1 | String | Street and house number |
address2 | String | Any additional address information such as “Apt 1” or “STE 100” |
city | String | City or community name |
state | String | Two letter state abbreviation |
zipCode | String | 5-digit zip code |
plusFour | String | 4-digit zip code extension |
callerName | String | Caller Name |
latitude | String | Latitudinal Coordinates |
longitude | String | Longitudinal Coordinates |
statusCode | String | GEOCODED or PROVISIONED. Old locations may be VERFIED or UNVERIFIED |
statusDescription | String | Describes the statusCode |
orderID | String | The order ID that was generated for the location. |
activatedTime | DateTime | Date in which the location was provisioned |
updateTime | DateTime | Date in which the location was last updated |
2.7 DIDCount
A DIDCount gives information about a Rate Center and the number of available DIDs by tier
Methods using DIDCount object(s): getDIDCount
Name | Type | Description |
didCount | String | The number of available DIDs in a specified tier for a rate center |
rateCenter | String | Name of the rate center matching the search criteria |
state | String | Two letter state abbreviation matching the search criteria |
tier | String | The tier in which the numbers reside |
lataId | Int | The LATA matching the search criteria |
cnam | Boolean | Returns TRUE or FALSE, indicates if the numbers have CNAM Storage |
t38 | Boolean | Returns TRUE or FALSE, indicates if the numbers are T.38 fax capable |
sms | Boolean | Returns TRUE or FALSE, indicates if the numbers are capable of SMS messaging |
2.8 PortDetail
A PortDetail gives information about a port
Methods using PortDetail object(s): getPortDetails, GetPortHistory, getActivePorts
Name | Type | Description |
id | Integer | The port identification number |
status | String | The status of the port |
endUser | String | The end user associated with the port |
billingTN | String | The BTN associated with this port |
portingFrom | String | The carrier or network from which the port is taking place |
salesRep | String | The account manager for the account |
submittedDate | DateTime | The date and time that the port was submitted |
focDate | DateTime | The date currently set for this port to FOC |
requestedFocDate | DateTime | The requested FOC date for this port |
dids | Array | Returns an ArrayOfPortDID |
defaultEndpointGroup | Integer | The endpoint group to which the DIDs in this port will be assigned to upon |
2.9 Country
A Country contains general information regarding the country for international numbers. This is used to obtain a cityID so you can assign an international DID
Methods using Country object(s): getCountries, AssignIntlDID
Name | Type | Description |
name | String | The full name for the country |
abbrev | String | The two-letter abbreviation for this country |
cities | Array | Returns an ArrayOfCity |
2.10 IntlDID
An IntlDID is returned after a successful assignIntlDID method call. This contains the assigned international DID along with the country and city in which is resides.
Methods using IntlDID object(s): AssignIntlDID, AuditIntlDIDs
Name | Type | Description |
tn | String | The full telephone number that has been assigned |
country | String | The full country name of the assigned DID |
city | String | The full city name of the assigned DID |
tier | String | The tier of the IntlDID |
status | String | The status of the IntlDID |
sms | Boolean | True or False if the DID has SMS capabilities |
2.11 DIDGroup
A DID group is a collection of DIDs. This feature is for your convenience to assist in tracking usage and spending for this collection of numbers on your account.
Methods using DIDGroup object(s): CreateDIDGroup, GetDIDGroup, GetDIDGroups
Name | Type |
| Description |
id | Int | Database ID of the group | |
name | String | Name of the group |
2.12 ConferenceLine
A ConferenceLine object is returned along with a standard DIDResponse in response to a GetConferenceLine method call.
Methods using ConferenceLine object(s): All methods will return a ConferenceLine of true or false. GetConferenceLine, SetConferenceLine, and AuditConferenceLines will return a pin.
Name | Type | Description |
Enabled | Boolean | Specifies if the DID has the conference line feature enabled |
PIN | String | The PIN number for this conference. This will only be included if Enabled is True |
The SMSDID object is returned after using a method such as ConfigSMS and various information regarding SMS is returned
Methods using SMSDID object(s): ConfigSMS, AuditSMS, ConfigSMSDestination
Name | Type | Description |
tn | String | The DID with SMS capability |
forwardEmail | String | If the DID has Forward to Email enabled |
editable | Boolean | Specifies if the DID is editable |
enabled | Boolean | Specifies if the DID has SMS turned on/off |
Destination | String | The destination we would send a SMS message to. This could be by API, Forward, etc. |
APIAuthToken | String | If the destination type is API Get or Post, you are going to need an Authtoken. |
2.14 IsPortable
The IsPortable object is returned as either True or False stating if the TN is portable.
Methods using IsPortable object(s): isPortable, getPortDetails
Name | Type | Description |
IsPortable | Boolean | True or False |
2.15 Email
The Email object is returned with email to fax and fax to email methods.
Methods using Email object(s): SetFaxToEmail, GetFaxToEmail, RemoveFaxToEmail, GetEmailToFax
Name | Type | Description |
String | The email(s) that is associated with the service of the TN |
2.16 FaxToEmail
The FaxToEmail object is returned with the AuditFaxToEmails method
Methods using FaxToEmail object(s): AuditFaxToEmails
Name | Type | Description |
TN | String | A DID that has Fax to Email enabled |
String | The email that is associated with the TN |
2.17 CallerID
The CallerID object is returned for the GetEmailToFax.
Methods using CallerID object(s): GetEmailToFax
Name | Type | Description |
CallerID | String | The DID whose email you are looking for that is associated with the email to fax feature |
2.18 DisplayName
The DisplayName object is returned for the UpdateCNAMDisplay and GetCNAMDisplay method.
Methods using DisplayName object(s): UpdateCNAMDisplay, GetCNAMDisplay
Name | Type | Description |
DisplayName | String | The Display Name that has been entered for the TN |
2.19 Alerts
The Alerts object is returned for the Query911Alert method.
Methods using Alerts object(s): Query911Alert
Name | Type | Description |
Alerts | String | The Display Name that has been entered for the TN |
2.20 Amount
The Amount object is returned for the GetPrepaidBalance method.
Methods using Amount object(s): GetPrepaidBalance
Name | Type | Description |
Amount | Decimal | The Amount that is on the Prepaid Balance of your account |
2.21 TNs
The TNs object is returned for GetInventoryTNs and GetUnconfiguredTNs.
Methods using TNs object(s): GetInventoryTNs, GetUnconfiguredTNs
Name | Type | Description |
TNs | String | The TNs that are returned by the method, so either TNs that are in your personal inventory or your list of unconfigured DIDs. |
2.22 Client
The Client object is returned for AuditClients.
Methods using Client object(s): AuditClients
Name | Type | Description |
ID | Int | The ID of the Client |
Name | String | The name of the client |
Note | String | Any notes entered for the client |
HostedBillingCustomer | String | The associated Hosted Billing customer |
EndpointGroups | nil | If an endpoint group is paired with this client then it will show the Endpoint Group ID |
DIDGroups | nil | If a DID group is paired with this client then it will show the DID Group ID |
E911Groups | nil | If an E911 group is paired with this client then it will show the E911 Group ID |
2.23 EndpointGroup
The EndpointGroup object is returned for AuditEndpointGroups and AuditEndpointGroup.
Methods using EndpointGroup object(s): AuditEndpointGroups and AuditEndpointGroup
Name | Type | Description |
ID | Int | The ID of the endpoint group |
Name | String | The name of the endpoint group |
Client | String | The client that is associated with the endpoint group. (If there is one) |
Port | String | The port number that you are requesting traffic to be sent to |
Prepend | String | Any prepend digits you are looking for VI to send to your network on inbound calls |
RateDeck | String | The rate deck that is assigned to the endpoint group |
StripPlus | Boolean | True or False if Strip Plus is checked |
StripCountryCode | Boolean | True or False if Strip Country Code is checked |
International | Boolean | True or False if international termination is enabled. |
OrigCallsMTD | Int | The total of Origination Calls month to date to your endpoint group |
OrigMinutesMTD | Decimal | The total of Origination Minutes month to date to your endpoint group |
OrigCostMTD | Decimal | The total cost for origination calls month to date to your endpoint group |
TermCallsMTD | Int | The total of Termination Calls month to date from your endpoint group |
TermMinutesMTD | Decimal | The total of Termination Minutes month to date from your endpoint group |
TermCostMTD | Decimal | The total cost for termination calls month to date for your endpoint group |
TotalCostMTD | Decimal | The total cost for both origination calls and termination calls for your endpoint group month to date |
IPs | nil | If there are IP addresses then it will list your IP addresses associated with your endpoint group |
2.24 DIDFailover
The DIDFailover object is returned for AuditDIDFailovers.
Methods using DIDFailover object(s): AuditDIDFailover
Name | Type | Description |
TN | String | A DID that has failover enabled |
FailoverTN | String | The destination set for the TN to failover to |
2.25 DIDForward
The DIDForward object is returned for AuditDIDForwards.
Methods using DIDForward object(s): AuditDIDForwards
Name |
| Type | Description |
TN | String | A DID that has DIDForwarding enabled | ||
ForwardTN | String | The destination set for the DID to forward to |
2.26 ProgrammableTelcoScript
The ProgrammableTelcoScript object is returned for methods related to programmable telco.
Methods using ProgrammableTelcoScript object(s): GetScripts
Name | Type | Description |
ScriptID | String | The ID for the programmable telco script |
ScriptName | String | The name of the script |
APIKey | String | The API key associated with the script |
APISecret | String | The API secret that is associated with the script |