Netsapiens PBX Trunk Configuration

Netsapiens PBX Trunk Configuration

Setting Up VoIP Innovations
Import Option

An import file is available to automatically configure the connections needed for VoIP Innovations. Just download the file below, go to the Admin UI Connections->Connections, then click Import, select the file you downloaded, purge set to no, then click import. 

Next click the choose file button:

Select the file named Connection_voip_innovations.csv (click to download below) and click start import.

You should see total number of records updated = 3.
The directions that follow are only if you prefer to manually create the connections.
Connections are SIP trunks to orig/term carriers, other geo nodes, SIP trunks to IP PBXs and CPE (Adtran). For the sake of this article we'll focus on connections to orig/term carriers, but the concepts remain similar regardless of application.
Connections come in two types - static and registered, static is what you'll find 99% of the time with carriers. Start by instructing the carrier to send traffic to your NMS IPs.
Ideally ask your carrier for a list of IPs that can send invites to your systems. If they can detail their invite header syntax that would be ideal as well.
Making the Connection
Connections are added to the NMS by navigating to Connections --> Connections.

Then add a connection where the destination host is the part after the @ of the FROM header we're matching ( in our example above). We'll Orig Match on the From-URI in this case.

Destination Host: what to match in the invite, so if you enter it will match sip:*@ in the invite field specified below. The exception is explained later.
Orig Match: which field to match on, generally from
Domain: Domain to associate with this trunk, generally only used for customer SIP trunks.
Type: Vendor or Customer, for CDR records
IP Address: if Check IP is yes, invites will only be accepted from the IPs listed. FQDNs can also be entered and will match on associated "A" records. Multiple IPs may be space separated and subnet masks may be used (e.g.
From User: on outbound calls the from user (caller ID number) to send. Generally, leave as [] *From
Host: on outbound calls the from host to send, generally <AppIP> which will send the NMS application
Request User: on outbound calls the user part of the request URI (only shown on edit)
Request Host: on outbound calls the host part of the request URI (only shown on edit)
To User: on outbound calls the user part of the To URI (only shown on edit)
To Host: on outbound calls the host part of the To URI (only shown on edit)
Orig: allow inbound calls
Term: allow outbound calls
NatWan: Auto will relay RTP through the NMS, none will not relay RTP if all connection involved agree
to none, never will never relay RTP. Auth Invite: Require auth on invites, generally no
Auth User/Realm/Key: If using auth, the credentials provided
Send Register: enable/disable registration, generally no. If yes, ensure auth invite is no.
Dial Translation: Dial translation to process inbound calls, carrier connections should go to the Inbound DID translation to be normalized before going to the DID table Dial Permission: Permissions to apply to the connection
Check IP: only accept invites from proxies that match the IP Address field, yes is highly recommended
Show Server: send server info in communication, generally yes is fine
Block Remote Ringback: replace 183 responses with 180
Rules: On edit the three fields above will be tokens in the rules field which also allows for other connection tokens.
Time Zone: connection time zone
Orig Limit: inbound call limit
Term Limit: outbound call limit
Total Limit: total call limit
OR Limit: orig rate limit (calls per second)
TR Limit: term rate limit (calls per second)
Min Duration: minimum duration for calls
Rate Account: used in special cases like "Domain" will connect the calls to the domain for better CDRs
Max Rate: works route table for cost (generally not used)
Description: note field
VoIP Innovations traffic comes through multiple different connections:
An example connection is shown below, the only difference with the three connections is the last octet of the IP and .31 should have "Term" set to no.

Post Setup
Once the connections are established run tests for inbound and outbound calls. For inbound
calls add the test DID to the DID Table/Inventory and route to your desk phone. For outbound make a call route using the new connections to test outbound.

Once the trunk is working ensure you add it to the Call Routing tables to be used for outbound calls.
Additional information:
VoIP Innovations will send traffic to you for DIDs in 10, 11, or 12 digits. For example, if you used DID
2052163165 with us, then we could send the DID to you in one of three ways:

  • 2052163165

  • 12052163165

  • +12052163165

The way we send traffic to you is managed in our Back Office under Endpoint > My Endpoint Groups. For more information, please see our Wiki article on this subject. If your inbound route matches the way we are sending you traffic, you should be fine.
Please note that other IP addresses may be necessary to configure. Below is a list of all the IP addresses that we use. To cover all bases, we recommend creating a SIP trunk for each of these IPs.

  • Inbound IP Addresses:

  1. – Primary IP o –
Secondary IP o – Tertiary
IP o209.166.154.70 –
Quaternary IP


    1. – Quinary IP

  • Outbound IP addresses:


    1. - Primary IP o –
Secondary IP o –
Tertiary IP o192.240.151.100 –
Quaternary IP

  • Dialer IP o - Primary IP o – Secondary IP o – Tertiary IP

o – Quaternary IP

Advanced Server Configuration IPs. These are used only if you have the "Advanced Server Configuration" configured on one of your endpoint groups. Please see our Wiki article on this subject for more information.

  • Origination Advanced Server Config: o – Primary IP o – Secondary IP o – Tertiary IP o – Quaternary IP
o – Quinary IP

  • Conversational Advanced Server Config: o – Primary IP o – Secondary IP o – Tertiary IP
o – Quaternary IP

  • Dialer Advanced Server Config:

  1. – Primary IP o –
Secondary IP o –
Tertiary IP o192.240.151.101 –
Quaternary IP

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