Hosted Billing Overview

What does it do?

VoIP Innovations' Hosted Billing software is a robust platform that can accommodate any user's needs. Whether you're a startup with 3 clients or an experienced VoIP business with a customer base in the hundreds, anyone that signs up will find a streamlined experience that will make billing your customers simple and easy to manage. Please note that it is beyond the scope of a Wiki article to highlight everything that the product can do. If you would like to get a closer look at the product, please feel free to check out the Demo Account that is available in the Back Office. You can find this under Add-Ons > Hosted Billing > Hosted Billing Sign Up.
End-User Portal Integration –
Full End-User Portal integration that allows your customers to view and download statements, make payments, and place a recurring credit card on file. More information regarding the EndUser Portal can be found here.
Payment Gateway Support –
Built-in support for vendors such as, Cybersource, IPPay, MetGlobal, and Stripe.

CDR Sources –
We offer the ability to import call records from a wide variety of vendors, including, but not exclusive to:
VoIP Innovations, Sansay, Asterisk, Netsapiens, Vitelity, VoxOx, Conexiant, and SIP Routes.
Don't see your source on this list? Send an email to and find out if we can import call records from your provider!

CSI Tax Module –
Built-In support with Compliance Solutions Inc. allows for an easy solution to Taxing woes.

VoIP Innovations Markup Tool-
Our package tools make marking up a VoIP Innovations rate deck a cinch. Simply select your rate deck and enter your markup percentage and you'll have a newly priced rate deck in no time. No Excel required!
Flat-Rate Support –
Do you charge your customers flat domestic and international termination rates? No problem!
We have a tool for that as well!

Statement Customization –
Fully customizable statement templates that will help you design your statement to look exactly the way you want it to.

General Ledger Accounts –
Our billing system allows you to assign GL accounts to your services and generate reports so that you can see exactly where your revenue is originating from.

Sales Agent Support –

Assign Sales Agents to customers and run reports to track both commissionable and noncommissionable revenue.
Fully Customizable Payment Terms –
Do you have some customers on Net 15 terms and others on Net 30? Our system gives you the ability to easily set individual Net Payment Terms for each of your customers.

CDR Reports –
Hosted Billing offers easy to use reports that will help you dissect your traffic and retrieve both a macro and micro view of your usage!

If you still have questions, please feel free to reach out to our sales team (877-478-6471 option #1) for further assistance.