Iconectiv API User Creation

Iconectiv API User Creation

This step is required in order to fully enable your NSS server. We will provide the NSS IP address and e-mail address after we order your NSS server.


Enter the IP address of your NSS server (API Source IP) via their Iconectiv’s Access Request Form, pictured bottom of this email.

We will need to add Sansay as an API user under your Iconectiv account.

To complete this process:


  1. Log in to Iconectiv

  2. Navigate to User Management and select Add User.

  3. Select API User from the Role dropdown menu.

  4. Under Email Address, enter [youremailhere].

  5. Click Add User.

 Iconectiv typically has a 48 hour turnaround time for IP approval, but once these steps are completed, we should be able to have your server signing calls using your cert within a single business day.


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