Service Provider STIR/SHAKEN Guide

As announced by the FCC on December 10th, 2021, the FCC has shortened the STIR/SHAKEN implementation extension for all non-facilities-based voice services providers to June 30th, 2022.

To assist service providers with implementing STIR/SHAKEN, VI has created a step-by-step guide that summarizes the steps involved, along with recommendations regarding consultation services and SHAKEN software vendors. This guide is available for download here:


  • Please note that all information in this document is based on FCC-21-122A1, and is subject to change if/when additional guidance by the FCC is released.

  • Anyone with general questions regarding this guide may email, however, please note that the VI team will not be able to provide consultation regarding STIR/SHAKEN and/or Robocall Mitigation Database compliance.

  • For more information regarding VI’s STIR/SHAKEN Call Signing Service, please refer to this article in our wiki.


All details presented in this document are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any form of legal or regulatory advice. VI highly recommends that all voice services providers seek consultation from legal and/or telecom compliance experts regarding your company’s obligations for STIR/SHAKEN and all other FCC rules and regulations.