Expand | ||
| ||
Name | Type | Description |
tn | String | The full telephone number that has been assigned |
country | String | The full country name of the assigned DID |
city | String | The full city name of the assigned DID |
tier | String | The tier of the IntlDID |
status | String | The status of the IntlDID |
sms | Boolean | True or False if the DID has SMS capabilities |
2.11 DIDGroup
A DID group is a collection of DIDs. This feature is for your convenience to assist in tracking usage and spending for this collection of numbers on your account.
Methods using DIDGroup object(s): CreateDIDGroup, GetDIDGroup, GetDIDGroups
Name | Type |
| Description |
id | Int | Database ID of the group | |
name | String | Name of the group |
2.12 ConferenceLine
A ConferenceLine object is returned along with a standard DIDResponse in response to a GetConferenceLine method call.
Methods using ConferenceLine object(s): All methods will return a ConferenceLine of true or false. GetConferenceLine,SetConferenceLine, and AuditConferenceLines will return a pin.
Name | Type | Description |
Enabled | Boolean | Specifies if the DID has the conference line feature enabled |
PIN | String | The PIN number for this conference. This will only be included if Enabled is True |
The SMSDID object is returned after using a method such as ConfigSMS and various information regarding SMS is returned
Methods using SMSDID object(s): ConfigSMS, AuditSMS, ConfigSMSDestination
Name | Type | Description |
tn | String | The DID with SMS capability |
forwardEmail | String | If the DID has Forward to Email enabled |
editable | Boolean | Specifies if the DID is editable |
enabled | Boolean | Specifies if the DID has SMS turned on/off |
Destination | String | The destination we would send a SMS message to. This could be by API, Forward, etc. |
APIAuthToken | String | If the destination type is API Get or Post, you are going to need an Authtoken. |
2.14 IsPortable
The IsPortable object is returned as either True or False stating if the TN is portable.
Methods using IsPortable object(s): isPortable, getPortDetails
Name | Type | Description |
IsPortable | Boolean | True or False |
2.15 Email
The Email object is returned with email to fax and fax to email methods.
Methods using Email object(s): SetFaxToEmail, GetFaxToEmail, RemoveFaxToEmail, GetEmailToFax
Name | Type | Description |
String | The email(s) that is associated with the service of the TN |
2.16 FaxToEmail
The FaxToEmail object is returned with the AuditFaxToEmails method
Methods using FaxToEmail object(s): AuditFaxToEmails
Name | Type | Description |
TN | String | A DID that has Fax to Email enabled |
String | The email that is associated with the TN |
2.17 CallerID
The CallerID object is returned for the GetEmailToFax.
Methods using CallerID object(s): GetEmailToFax
Name | Type | Description |
CallerID | String | The DID whose email you are looking for that is associated with the email to fax feature |
2.18 DisplayName
The DisplayName object is returned for the UpdateCNAMDisplay and GetCNAMDisplay method.
Methods using DisplayName object(s): UpdateCNAMDisplay, GetCNAMDisplay
Name | Type | Description |
DisplayName | String | The Display Name that has been entered for the TN |
2.19 Alerts
The Alerts object is returned for the Query911Alert method.
Methods using Alerts object(s): Query911Alert
Name | Type | Description |
Alerts | String | The Display Name that has been entered for the TN |
2.20 Amount
The Amount object is returned for the GetPrepaidBalance method.
Methods using Amount object(s): GetPrepaidBalance
Name | Type | Description |
Amount | Decimal | The Amount that is on the Prepaid Balance of your account |
2.21 TNs
The TNs object is returned for GetInventoryTNs and GetUnconfiguredTNs.
Methods using TNs object(s): GetInventoryTNs, GetUnconfiguredTNs
Name | Type | Description |
TNs | String | The TNs that are returned by the method, so either TNs that are in your personal inventory or your list of unconfigured DIDs. |
2.22 Client
The Client object is returned for AuditClients.
Methods using Client object(s): AuditClients
Name | Type | Description |
ID | Int | The ID of the Client |
Name | String | The name of the client |
Note | String | Any notes entered for the client |
HostedBillingCustomer | String | The associated Hosted Billing customer |
EndpointGroups | nil | If an endpoint group is paired with this client then it will show the Endpoint Group ID |
DIDGroups | nil | If a DID group is paired with this client then it will show the DID Group ID |
E911Groups | nil | If an E911 group is paired with this client then it will show the E911 Group ID |
2.23 EndpointGroup
The EndpointGroup object is returned for AuditEndpointGroups and AuditEndpointGroup.
Methods using EndpointGroup object(s): AuditEndpointGroups and AuditEndpointGroup
Name | Type | Description |
ID | Int | The ID of the endpoint group |
Name | String | The name of the endpoint group |
Client | String | The client that is associated with the endpoint group. (If there is one) |
Port | String | The port number that you are requesting traffic to be sent to |
Prepend | String | Any prepend digits you are looking for VI to send to your network on inbound calls |
RateDeck | String | The rate deck that is assigned to the endpoint group |
StripPlus | Boolean | True or False if Strip Plus is checked |
StripCountryCode | Boolean | True or False if Strip Country Code is checked |
International | Boolean | True or False if international termination is enabled. |
OrigCallsMTD | Int | The total of Origination Calls month to date to your endpoint group |
OrigMinutesMTD | Decimal | The total of Origination Minutes month to date to your endpoint group |
OrigCostMTD | Decimal | The total cost for origination calls month to date to your endpoint group |
TermCallsMTD | Int | The total of Termination Calls month to date from your endpoint group |
TermMinutesMTD | Decimal | The total of Termination Minutes month to date from your endpoint group |
TermCostMTD | Decimal | The total cost for termination calls month to date for your endpoint group |
TotalCostMTD | Decimal | The total cost for both origination calls and termination calls for your endpoint group month to date |
IPs | nil | If there are IP addresses then it will list your IP addresses associated with your endpoint group |
2.24 DIDFailover
The DIDFailover object is returned for AuditDIDFailovers.
Methods using DIDFailover object(s): AuditDIDFailover
Name | Type | Description |
TN | String | A DID that has failover enabled |
FailoverTN | String | The destination set for the TN to failover to |
2.25 DIDForward
The DIDForward object is returned for AuditDIDForwards.
Methods using DIDForward object(s): AuditDIDForwards
Name |
| Type | Description |
TN | String | A DID that has DIDForwarding enabled | ||
ForwardTN | String | The destination set for the DID to forward to |
2.26 ProgrammableTelcoScript
The ProgrammableTelcoScript object is returned for methods related to programmable telco.
Methods using ProgrammableTelcoScript object(s): GetScripts
Name | Type | Description |
ScriptID | String | The ID for the programmable telco script |
ScriptName | String | The name of the script |
APIKey | String | The API key associated with the script |
APISecret | String | The API secret that is associated with the script |